okay so carmine asked me to make a video becausehes too goddamn lazy to go make his own. so for the next couple of minutes, you'restuck with me. and the video he wants me to make is what game of thrones would be like on netflix. now honestlythat sounds stupid as shit. so instead, this will be a video about why game of throneson netflix wouldn't work, other than the fact that that's stupid as shitnumber one, that's stupid as shit.
Does Netflix Have Game Of Thrones, okay what's netflix's most popular showright now? mhm..daredevil and the number one moment of that show that people can't stoptalking about is? the hallway fight scene. oh my god that choreography is amazingomg i can't believe they did that it one shot omg omg etc etc you know you know.now does anyone know what game of throne's
most popular scene is? the red wedding? themountain vs the viper? well those scenes were great. but what was the special artsy anglefor those episodes? nothing. in fact they were shot pretty straight forward and in thelatter's case they even used a bit of that shaky cam shit that hacks use to cover upthe fact that actors aren't really doing anything.so if game of thrones has never really done anything interesting with its cinematography,then what makes the show so goddamn popular? well the obvious answer is story but the otheraspect is that it's a spectacle. sure you have rich and dynamic characters,and a habit of killing them off that constantly keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat.but plenty of other shows have done that before.
so what separates game of thrones from somethinglike the walking dead? before people became enthralled with the masterfulstorytelling what exactly drew people in? a lot of viewers knew barley anything fromthe start of episode one. yet that's where a lot of people got hooked in. before we knewthat it was the best show on television a huge chunk of viewers tuned in, because itwas the biggest show on television. game of thrones is a spectacle. it's gota massive budget, it's cinematic. and it's a show bigger than any other. that's a hugechunk of what draws people in. and to be honest, no matter how good the story is, nobody'sgoing to watch it if it's a cardboard fucking diagram.there's a reason that people actually give
a shit about this, and not this.so that's my reason why game of thrones for netflix would be a bad idea. which i'msure everyone would be aware of already. but carmine wants this video so carmine gets thisvideo. that i made. so yeah, carmine, just take this video thati made and upload it youtube then just shit out all the profits into your own bank account.thats cool. i don't like money. so just take this
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