hey youtubers it’s charlie and agents ofshield totally just took a field trip to tahiti. there was a temporary resolution to the skyecliffhanger and two more characters from the comic books were featured. there was alsosomething of a reveal at the end. so first let’s talk about our top 5 wtfmoments, then i’ll tell you some of my theories of what that big reveal was at the end andthen my review.
Project Free Tv Game Of Thrones Season 2, in case you’re finding me for the firsttime, usually tuesdays are dedicated to marvel videos. i usually do agents of shield whenthere’s a new episode and a marvel movie video. this week was a little different justbecause there were some important trailers to do.
but let’s talk some tahiti. careful forspoilers if you haven’t seen the episode. but number 5 - melinda may frees the beastall over quinn. this is abc so i didn’t expect her to give him the business to badlybut it was still pretty fun. they hadn’t done much with the quinn character after theycaptured him. i would have thought ward would have been the first one to smash his face. they whole moment was really used just toget coulson to figure out that the clairvoyant wanted quinn to shoot skye so that coulsonwould take her to the tahiti place and give her whatever super serum he received. planswithin plans. this really only sucks if you’re skye becauseshooting her was a red herring. it had nothing
to do with killing her. number 4 - bill paxton guest stars as agentgarrett from the comics. it’s always fun to see people from the comics. in the comicsgarrett is mostly known as a former shield agent who was turned into a cyborg. like thesame type of thing that happened to mike earlier this season. before he became a shield agent he was guiltyof all kinds of awful stuff. had he been in the dc universe he would have been recruitedfor the suicide squad. that’s how bad he was. eventually he even was flagged as a potentialfuture avenger. all i could think of when he was on screenwas aliens when the colonial marines were
searching for aliens. which is actually kindof relevant to one of my other top moments. number 3 - tahiti isn’t such a magical placeafter all. so this was a bit misleading. because tahiti turned out to be a special facilitywith a miracle drug. so it kind of was a magical place. i had hoped that they would find moreteasers there than they did. but a couple of things we learned were that nick fury isa level 10 agent. meaning it probably stops at 10. more to the fact, wtf does tahiti stand for.it’s an acronym, so let’s try to solve that rubix cube in the comments. speakingof which, who else got a tesseract vibe from the computer database fitz and simmons usedto find the location.
it’s a shield blacksite, meaning there areprobably more hidden illegal underground bunkers like this all over the world. the winter soldieris going to deal with some of these secrets within secrets that coulson dealt with thisweek. number 2 - the regenerative serum they gaveto skye. the whole conceit before it was revealed to us was that the serum was what made coulsongo crazy and want to die during his regeneration. that’s why he didn’t want them to giveit to skye. if you didn’t catch it, coulson and theteam talk about how she didn’t make any noise when they gave it to her. meaning shedidn’t have a violent reaction to it like coulson.
i’ll talk more about that in just a sec. and my number 1 moment - the blue alien insidethe tahiti room. so many wtf things about this, so let’s start with the biggest part.who is he? well marvel doesn’t legally have rights to use the kree and the other possibilitiesare frost giant and centaurian. the centaurian’s are who the race yondu from guardians of thegalaxy are. he’s being played by michael rooker and as you can see. the person in thetank does look larger than that. so i really do think it’s a frost giant.it would certainly fit with all the other connective thor tissue the show has had thisseason. so what does it mean that skye didn’t flip out when she took frost giant blood.she has frost giant dna. who else do we know
in the marvel universe that looks like a normalperson but is really a frost giant...hmmm…loki of course. he’s 100 percent frost giantbut was like the runt of the litter. so just because sky is potentially a frostgiant doesn’t mean that she’s related to loki. but hopefully we’ll find out. isn’tit just so curious that the next episode is another thor-based episode with lady sif andlorelai? there are no coincidences. my loki clairvoyant theory is starting toseem less crazy though. but alternately, it’s totally possible that marvel worked out thelegal mumbo jumbo to use the kree and that’s who it is. it would be a bit left field seeingas we haven’t seen the kree anywhere in a movie yet and introducing them would bea huge deal.
but let me know what your vote is. was theblue alien a frost giant or was it kree? remember, it was really just the upper half of an alien. overall i gave the episode a solid b plus.even though they showed a freaking alien, the episode had it’s lowest ratings allseason. we can probably blame the olympics for that, but the story was great. the onlything that i didn’t like was the hospital scene. it felt like they were trying to doa mini episode of er or grey’s anatomy. i don’t like hospital shows if you can’ttell. bill paxton was great as a sleazebag shieldagent from the comics. and as much as people are down on the show i think that once theyreveal the truth behind whatever the mystery
of skye’s parentage, the clairvoyant andcoulson’s mystery serum are the show is going to exist in that meta comic book placethat everyone wants it to be in. like i said next week lorelai is even bringingmagic into the world, the world of shield so to speak. i have some suspicions aboutthe nature of magic in thor as loki practices it too. one of the cool things we learnedabout that from dark world was that frigga, his mother played by renee russo, was theone who taught him magic. i’ll be really interested if it turns outskye really is part frost giant because it provides some interesting opportunities tomirror loki’s narrative. finding out you descend from your sworn enemies, but you madea home with a different race of beings. loki
obviously went a little nutters, but he isnamed after the god of mischief. in other news, lot of awesome comic book bombsbeing dropped on arrow. if you’re not watching it yet, they’re bringing on the suicidesquad and they just teased harley quinn for the next episode. i’ll be talking aboutthat tonight. be sure to subscribe to get that video. also feel free to leave suggestions for mynext marvel tuesday video. mostly i like them to be movie related. right now click here to learn all about myloki clairvoyant theories, it’s still totally up for debate. and click here to learn aboutmy top 5 choices for the next captain america
movie. thanks for watching, see you guys tonight.high fives!
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