00:02zack: awh, there it is! number 7,000 baby. 00:18zack: i wasn't good enough to be a major league baseball player but i'm still probably betterat judging and catching fly balls that 99.9% of the public. 00:26comm: ball hawk zack hample has spent tens
Longest Game In Mlb History, of thousands of hours, honing the art of catchingballs from the stands of america's major league stadiums. 00:35zack: my lifetime ball count up to this moment, and it's gonna change in the few hours wheni run inside yankee stadium, is 7,537.
00:46zack: the 36-year-old is on a quest to catch 10,000 balls, but his total devotion to hisunusual hobby leaves little time for those he loves. 00:57zack: i am definitely obsessed with this, it's definitely an addiction. 01:03hayley: it definitely affects out relationship a lot. there's a lot less time for just everythingelse, including me. 01:10comm: zack's obsession with ball hawking began as a teenager and over the years he's perfectedthe art of being in the right place at the
right time. 01:19zack: i usually have a pretty good idea of where it's going to land. so when most peopleare just sort of like "oh that's a long fly ball" i'm not even looking at it, i'm lookingat the seats and i'm already running through and climbing over rows and planning my path,and dodging vendors and people, and then i look up and if i've done a good job the ballis right there for me to catch. 01:38zack: perhaps the biggest appeal for me in collecting baseballs, is feeling like i'mbeating the odds and getting something special. it's just the most amazing feeling, there'sreally not much else in the world that compares
with that. 01:53comm: as well as writing three books on the subject, zack's appearance at baseball stadiumsall over the us, has made him somewhat of a celebrity. 02:02zack: the moment i step into a major league baseball stadium, it just seems like everybodyknows who i am. 02:07comm: but attending at least three games a week, totalling twenty hours, zack recogniseshe may have taken it too far. 02:14zack: this collection even affects the way
i sleep, i dream a lot that i am catchingbaseballs at games. 02:23comm: and girlfriend hayley worries she comes second to his extreme hobby. 02:27hayley: i think if push came to shove and he had to choose he'd probably go with baseball.but that's just who he is so there's just no escaping it when i'm with him and it'sgame time. 02:38comm: however, after spending around $100,000 to reach his goal, zack can't afford to stopnow. 02:46zack: sometimes it feels like i'm the tenth
fielder, when i'm out in right field and thepitcher pitches it, the batter whacks it, and the next place it lands is my glove. that'ssuch an awesome feeling, everybody is looking, everybody wants that baseball. i'm catchingsomething that represents baseball history.
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