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Longest Major League Baseball Game

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Longest Major League Baseball Game

Longest Major League Baseball Game, interviewing your friends now the africans anything over to you at thesports visited beverly schuch and good warm wrecked before u_s_ but beyond thatthis is going to travel but partly what's up well we'll see how youdoing maybe we'll have a great amount

involved when your sister sopranoinfrared camera and have her number that linda which country that we need to talk about priorto going on with jonathan howe the sign marcos wrote but they also found a job we've gone toa four year fourteen million dollar deal and thenyou look at the red sox signing victory no two three years thirty nine millionnapoli gets the same deal do you think uh... booking at it from are wide onesthat these contracts are kind of

that they're paying their overpaying forthe market that is uh... that is in the free agency market right now uh... absolutely and it's funny johnnyand actually read it at article the other day talking about that very sametopic state you're seeing a lot of guys especially symbolic victory in a reallyhaven't down year and get stuffed result value what is thevalue that ultimately he's going for thinking on it uh... call you've got a little bitaround beating up the money into the any of the season that's what he was goingfor and nice a_b_c_ come down a little

bit they're still getting paid big moneyguys but it's not the money bad they probably were expecting forthemselves at the beginning of the season so i can take a look at freshmarket cdi probably overpaying a little bit for guys that media experts theended their brian especially when you look at somethinglike a victory no i i think that believed ad spending on what role thered sox season and that's the main interesting case but that's it on some of my teenage it presents to youthat's a guy who had he career year was

huge for the chicago white sox is herein someone's prodding and maybe one or two year deal needs you you're from the yankees andits primary more than about eight nine million year three years for for marcuscuter armies are at thirty seven years alts input and had arguably his bestseason and you're not really sure we're going to do it and now it can lead tolook for per gallon only in the sense that i think's bt complained at a highlevel issued an item in a few more dollars iwould like to ask for your deal for example guy in considering what he doesthe top of my idol and biggest that

crazy dot the bride savings reallygentlemen these assigned to a puzzling to me as part of the problem we have inyour team any that that the the judge for themonth when the one world series and i could have partial afterwards it drivesup to reinvest after winning the world series they'll sell out every game exchangesyou know extension of the ninety percent of past four years forty million forbegun in three years markets through the first numbers are soft the road foryears point four million felice is only twenty nine and he had he wassensational of those two months them and

then the post-season and i love you know as a lifelongoakland a fan of an enormous off self-taught from working vadose hope inthe asia get into the deadline that's strange month for a guy likesavion commit but you're in a box because thoseplayers played such a critical role but there's no question that too much moneyfor pickup but few doubt the market for center fielders stuff there are a lot ofthem don't learn a lot of free agents at our viewers remarkable that allowed into who michael michael boer right a littlewas going to cost you maybe a hundred

million dollar q no eighty milliondollar seven million dollars a year that you think you should money i'll beanybody's rebecca money uh... but again in the nation nobody's worth more in about one pointfour million dollars reporters to be made up their way so i i i get it for a predominantlycompared to be on the more that the board here like will look again that uh... half of you know but even if thatmeans more than i have to play but i

have those republics items to me the only one of the ones that are sosick to reader that's crazy money victory notion venture to stop and havethat job line megan sightings like that napoli that might work out the credibleupon us with a good hitter and supporters of it all better at fenwayand that could that could work out well and that's not the one for a second asbecause there's so much will eighty seats on stub forces asian he's beensaying all along that they're going to get more than in what b_j_ opt-in is gonna make itoften satisfied you deal with atlanta

seventy five twenty five billion dollarsstetson alternative sample of the case for someone to feel really next bc she still believethat their best years our had hamptons twenty eight-years-old stillhasn't shown those full potential that you really would like to see out ofsomebody like that pose a spring training this year uh... and i want to agiant and and on filling at all what what i want morecondo that's was there on it

so uh... and there was nobody nicer onthe field that they've got he was jump in with everything he like when the cause out that you knowyou got the guys who numbers in spring training in ninety one ninety five theiraqis or connecting minor leaguers or collecting and he'd go out and sharing of flightattendants joke around with them and making them feel like part of the teamso isla but i'm right there i don't know what kind of guy propel reporting that

i watched him for like fifteen minutesof because awesome canceled dot blot seven forty four your forty milliondollars at the physics deadly one of the good guys and i'd like to see them

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